the Indian country, averaging each one
hundred chil-
dren, there will be one thousand dollars for
The amount appropriated is so small, when com-
pared with the object
of general or universal im-
provement, that, to make it useful, it
can be used
only as an auxiliary to the resources which
dual bounty has provided. I will just name one
school in
the Cherokee
Organization Information
Mr. Gambold
Person Information
fourteen years, in this generous cause; and his plans
have not been developed, nor his scale of usefulness
extended to its limits, for lack of pecuniary resources.
Five and six children are as many as his means have
ever enabled him to instruct. I don't know what his
resources are, but I will suppose them to be at the
rate of fifty dollars per annum for each child; and,
suppose he can educate and instruct out of his own
means, in the various branches of improvement which
his school embraces, only five children; and suppose
it shall turn out, in the general estimate, that a hun-
dred dollars can be applied, out of the 10,000 appro-
priated, for each child,—that would enable Mr. Gam-
Person Information
number to which, I suppose, he has been hitherto
confined. I merely refer to this case, as being the
first that has struck me; and to this mode of illus-
tration, without knowing what plan the President
may adopt. I incline to the opinion, however, that
his contemplated tour may prevent him from doing
more than acquire a collection of information appli-
cable to the case, against his return.
It seems you have, in the state of New York
Place Information
Indians, and that these Indians have 271,323 acres of
land as reservations. I am glad they are so well off
in the land way. How would it sort with your con-
venience to let me know, how many schools for im-
provement are organized in their settlements, exclu-
sively for Indian education? and where located?—