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Beyond Penn's Treaty

The Life of Thomas Eddy; Comprising an Extensive Correspondence

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New York, 12th month, 28th, 1818. To THOMAS ELLICOTT & PHILIP E. THOMAS.

David A. Ogden

holds the pre-emption right of pur-
chasing all the Indian reservations in our state. He
is very desirous the Indians should remove to the
Westward, and sell to him their reservations. These
Indians west of Genessee River, have heen under
the care of Friends in Philadelphia, and they have
uniformly advised the Indians not to remove. Ogden
prevailed on Calhoun to address to him a letter
which he then communicated to the Indians.

One Jabez Hyde

, a Presbyterian minister or school-
master, residing among them, published the letter.
When we met our Friends in Philadelphia, we found
their minds much soured and prejudiced against
government, and particularly against the Secretary
at War; they asked, why should any confidence be
placed in men who would talk so smooth to us, and
at the same time write a letter, with a view to have
it shown to the Indians, stating that Friends were
their worst enemies. It did not serve to alter the
opinion so strongly taken up by them, that we urged
our own belief, and that of T. McKenney, that Cal-
did not intend any way to allude to Friends.
We believed, we told them, that Ogden had stated to
Calhoun, that a number of whites residing near the
Indians, constantly urged them not to remove, and
who, by trade and artifice, got from the Indians, every
year, the amount of the annuities paid them by go-
vernment; and thus it became the interest of this class
of people, to use every means in their power to per-
suade the Indians not to remove. In making such
a representation, Ogden induced Calhoun to write
this letter. I am satisfied that he (Ogden) never
mentioned to the Secretary that Friends had advised
the Indians to remain on their lands—it would have
been bad policy for him to have urged such senti-
ments. In short, I do not believe Calhoun thought
of Friends when he wrote the letter. It is probably