three thousand five hundred children are
instructed in school learning, and much pains taken
their religious and moral instruction. The best
school in this city
is the African Free School, under
the care of our Abolition Society.
They have in this
school from two hundred and fifty to three
children ; besides this, some young women (Friends)
a first day school for black women. I lately
visited it, and noticed
one woman seventy-two years
of age, and another
ninety-one!—Including these
schools, and Sunday schools, there are
about six hun-
dred people of colour who receive the benefits of
cation in this city.
I should esteem it a particular favour if thou
wouldst send me a
number of your last Annual Report
of the British and Foreign School
Society, and also
some of the former years. If you have published
historical account of that society, it would also be
Inclosed is a letter from Mary Knight
by a valuable friend, left open for thy perusal; he
requests thy kind attention to have it safely delivered
as directed.
During the last sitting of our Legislature, I sent to
a member the
following resolution, and proposed to
his consideration to offer it
to the House of Assembly:
Resolved, If the Hon. the Senate concur
that the Governor be empowered, and he is
empowered, to appoint three discreet and
persons, citizens of the state, as Commissioners,
the purpose of considering what amendments, if any,
necessary in the existing penal laws, and to de-
vise the best
plan for the management of the State
Prisons; and that the
Commissioners, so appointed,
after due consideration of all
matters and things
relative to the present penal code, report to
the next
Legislature, such alterations and amendments of
existing laws relative to crimes and their
ments, as in their opinion may best conduce to