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Beyond Penn's Treaty

The Life of Thomas Eddy; Comprising an Extensive Correspondence

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London, 19th April, 1816. MY DEAR FRIEND,

I much fear that I have hitherto omitted to thank
you (which I now do most cordially) for the very
interesting pamphlets, which you had the goodness
to send me by Mr. Gallaudet

, who I had not the plea-
sure of seeing, until after he had received all the
information he required, respecting the institution
established here, for instructing the Deaf and Dumb.
I only saw that gentleman for a few moments, while
I was engaged in my magisterial duties on the
bench; and I regretted much that I had not the plea-
sure of seeing him afterwards, as I fully expected,
since it was my wish to have shown him all those
civilities which are justly due to any friend recom-
mended by you.

I had, also, the pleasure of receiving your letter by
Doctor Francis

, who did me the favour of dining
with me, and which afforded me the opportunity of
introducing him to a very intelligent physician, my
son in law, Doctor Yates, from whom he received
much of that species of information, of which his
very active and intelligent mind was so eagerly in
pursuit. Doctor Francis has gone to Paris, but will
soon return, when I shall be happy to show him
every attention in my power.

Among other philanthropic establishments which
are yearly rising in the great metropolis, we are
now anxiously engaged in forming a Provident In-
stitution, or Saving Bank, in the western district of
the city, upon the principle suggested and explained
in my Treatise on Indigence, published in 1806, but
on a far more limited scale. The practical effect
of these establishments, was first manifested in Scot-

, since which they have been extended to several
towns in England, and are likely to become very
general. Their utility scarcely requires explanation.
The object is, to assist the labouring poor to preserve
a portion of their earnings for old age, and to give