In my apprehension, the business of banks
should be
confined to discounting what is termed business
except only under some peculiar circumstances,
otherways the credit
of the banks is liable to be
materially injured.
I am not well acquainted with the affairs of our
Prison, since myself
and colleagues resigned our
places. The present inspectors, in my
opinion, are
not so suitable characters for the government of
institution, as might have been selected amongst
citizens; the mode of treating the prisoners is in
respects more severe than was thought neces-
sary by the former
board of inspectors, and the profits
on the labour of the convicts
are considerably short of
what was produced the year ending 1st July 1803.
Cleanliness and good
order throughout the prison, is
perhaps as well observed as
formerly, and notwith-
standing the increased expense for supporting
prison, the legislature remains firmly attached to
present criminal code, and I trust it will continue
ornament to our country, and serve as an example
to other
The excellent sentiments contained in thy several
letters and the
pamphlets thou so kindly sent me, has
so interested me in the
subject of affording a suitable
education to the children of the
poor, that I have been
much engaged in a new establishment for
poor children, who are not provided for by
religious society. Our state legislature have passed
an act
incorporating this society; the mayor of the
city is president, and
the public appear much inte-
rested in its support. I trust the poor
will derive
great benefit by means of it, and we expect
winter our legislature will provide sufficient funds
supporting it. It must afford great pleasure to
every feeling mind,
that the plan of affording reli-
gious and moral instruction to the
poor of your
country, has so much engaged the attention of
great a number of highly respectable characters, and