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Beyond Penn's Treaty

The Life of Thomas Eddy; Comprising an Extensive Correspondence

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mentioned, is anxious it should be reprinted in Eng-

; but as this desideratum may not be attained, it
would be very gratifying if I could have it in my
power to present to the Speaker of the House of
Commons, to him, and to some other distinguished
characters in this country, a copy of the work. I
have inquired at different booksellers, and also of
Mr. Wilkes, but I do not find that it is to be pur-

On the subject of prisons in this country, I have
only farther to call your attention to a work just
published by James Nield

, Esq., who, following the
example of the great, the benevolent Howard, em-
ploys an easy fortune, and much of his time, in visit-
ing the different prisons in Great Britain. His chief
attention, however, has been directed to the situation
of poor persons confined for civil debts, to whom, as
you will observe from his work, and also from his
exertions as treasurer of the society, he has been a
friend indeed.

On the subject of punishments, I send you inclosed
the last statement of the delivery of the gaol at New-

, which has been recently sent me by the Secre-
tary of State, and contains a general view of the
disposal of prisoners for the last year, for the more
aggravated offences tried at the Court of Oyer and
Terminer at the Old Bailey. In this statement, how-
ever, neither the numerous persons tried at the London,
Westminster, and Middlesex Sessions, nor at the
Assizes and Sessions in Southwark, which makes a
part of the metropolis, are included. I have no
means at present of ascertaining the amount of these;
but I have reason to believe they are equal, or per-
haps exceed, the number stated in the last (sixth
edition) of the treatise on the police.

The only use which can be made of this melan-
choly catalogue of depravity, is to stimulate those in
power, in every country, to the adoption of such
measures, as shall forewarn the unwary, arrest the