dent, is
made directly amenable to public opinion,
as well as to the law, in being
required to present
to the legislature annually, in the month of
a report containing:—
schools in the state. Estimates and accounts of expenditures of the
school moneys. Plans for the improvement and management
of the common school fund, and for the better organi-
zation of the common schools. All such matters relating to his office, and to
the common schools, as he shall deem expedient to
The collection of documents already issued under
this requisition, contains a
most useful and instruc-
tive mass of facts, which ought to be in the
of every state legislator in the union. It may be
observed, that
the police of the general system is not
applied in the city of New-York
commissioners of towns and trustees of the schools,
chosen by the people, the disbursements of the public
money is entrusted to a company, called the Public
School Society. The reason or necessity of this dif-
ference of organization has never, to our knowledge,
been made evident.
In 1832, the number of academies had risen
fifty-nine, and the number of pupils was four thou-
sand eight
hundred and eighty-eight, or seventy-one to
each academy. In addition to the
means for support-
ing common schools, the state has another
fund, called the literature fund, under
the manage-
ment of the Regents of the
University, to which
one hundred and fifty thousand
dollars was added
in 1827, the income of which was
required to be dis-
tributed to the several incorporated academies and
seminaries, in proportion to their numbers of pupils.
It is gratifying to
observe, that a liberal spirit has
been manifested in furnishing to these