be applied to
form a permanent fund for the support
of common schools. In the same year,
three thou-
sand shares of bank stock were ordered to be sub-
scribed by
the state, and to belong to the school
fund. No part of this fund was to be
applied to its
ultimate object, until the interest should amount
fifty thousand dollars annually.
In 1811, measures were taken to organize and
tablish, in active force, a system of schools; such a
system was
reported in 1812, and
the first distribu-
tion of money under the provisions of 1805, and in
accordance with this system, were made in the year
1816. Besides the avails of the lands, and of
bank stock, above mentioned, the legislature enacted,
in 1819, that one half the amount to be received
quit rents; the loans of 1790, and of 1808; the shares
of the capital stock
of the Merchant's Bank, held by
the state; the nett proceeds of lands escheating to
the state, in the military
tract; and the nett proceeds
of the fees of the
clerks of the supreme court, should
all be assigned to this fund. In 1824, a reservation
in certain grants for lotteries,
amounting to forty
thousand dollars, was added to the fund. In 1826,
it was enacted, that one hundred thousand
should be annually distributed, by the state, for the
support of
common schools; but, as the fund then
produced but eighty-five thousand
dollars, the remain-
ing fifteen thousand dollars were paid trom the
ral funds of the state. In 1827, further
tions, to make up the full amount of one hundred
dollars, were made from the state loans of
and from the bank stock still held by the state.
These two items amounted to
one hundred and
thirty-three thousand six hundred and sixteen dollars.
In the same year, the credit of the state was
pledged, in certificates of
stock, to a canal company,
(the Hudson and Delaware,) which certificates
to be sold, and the premiums obtained added to the
school fund;
this transaction produced fifty thousand