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Beyond Penn's Treaty

The Life of Thomas Eddy; Comprising an Extensive Correspondence

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train of unavoidable misfortunes, fails; here is no
crime, nor even a fault; and yet, your laws put it in
the power of the creditor to throw the debtor into
prison, and confine him there for life!—a punishment
infinitely worse than death to a brave man; and, I
seriously declare, I had rather die by the most severe
tortures ever inflicted on this continent, than languish
in one of your prisons for a single year. Great Spirit
of the universe! And do you call yourselves Christ-
ians ? does, then, the religion of Him whom you call
your Saviour, inspire this spirit, and lead to these
practices?—Surely, no. It is recorded of Him, that a
bruised reed he never broke. Cease, then, to call
yourselves Christians, lest you publish to the world
your hypocrisy. Cease, too, to call other nations
savage, when you are tenfold more the children of
cruelty than they.

Mr. Eddy

did not confine himself to labours of bene-
volence alone, but entered deeply into every plan
suggested by others, or conceived by himself, that
could add to the prosperity of his country. Inland
navigation had early engaged his attention; but
there must have been many minds at work in
planning and carrying into effect the grand canal of
the state of New-York. The claims of each indivi-
dual were urged with pertinacity by their friends.
De Witt Clinton, the most prominent person in the
great work, lias established a rule for the just distri-
bution of the honours flowing from this important
undertaking, which ought to be regarded. He says,
For the good which has been done by individuals, or
communities, in relation to the work, let each have a
due share of credit. The difficulty of giving each
this share, has been met by Doctor Hosack, in his
excellent memoir of De Witt Clinton; and as I have
never heard this distribution of honours doubted for
its fairness, I have ventured to extract it, as no
one had better means than this distinguished writer