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Beyond Penn's Treaty

The Life of Thomas Eddy; Comprising an Extensive Correspondence

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speech recently made before us by the Miami

the Little Turtle, which we herewith offer to your
consideration, and believe the evil to be of such mag-
nitude, that unless it can be altogether removed or
greatly restrained, no rational hope of success in the
proposed undertaking can be entertained; we are
induced to solicit the attention of the national legis-
lature to this interesting and important subject, a
subject which we believe involves not only their
future welfare, but their very existence as a people.

Signed in behalf of the committee by, EVAN THOMAS, JOHN MCKIM. ELIAS ELLICOTT. JOEL WRIGHT. JOHN BROWN. GEORGE ELLICOTT. DAVID BROWN. Baltimore, lst month, 1st, 1802.

The following address shows, that the female
Friends took a deep interest in the cause of the In-
dians, and that their efforts were duly appreciated
by the women of the Stockbridge

tribe. In religion,
in civilization, and all the useful arts of life, women
have been pioneers, but often their efforts have been
passed over in silence by the historian.

To Hannah Eddy, Martha Titus, Elizabeth Seaman,
and our other Sisters, of the people called Quakers, of
the state of
New-York, and elsewhere.


We take this opportunity to inform you, that we
have been happy to see our worthy friends, Thomas

, Thomas Titus, and Gideon Seaman, who have
given us good counsel, which do much good on our
minds. We thankfully accept of their good words,
for we believe they are the children of light, and the
words they spoke flow from love.

Sisters—We will also inform you, that we, and a
number of our Sisters of this nation, have, this seve-