tribes living at Oneida
membrance of the friendship you have manifested
towards them in all our treaties; we ourselves have
held Councils at different times, to contemplate the
welfare of our nations, because we cannot but groan
to see our situation; it is also melancholic to reflect
on the ways of our forefathers.
Brothers—You, also, sometimes sorry to see the de-
plorable situation
of your Indian Brethren, for which
you have given us many good
counsels; though we
feel willing to follow your counsels, but it has
no effect as yet.
Our situation is still miserable. Our ancestors have
been conquered,
immediately after you came on this
Island, by the strong Heroe, who
does still reign
among Indian tribes with tyranny, who has
us of every thing that was precious in our eyes.
We need
not mention every particular, how this
tyrant has used us, for your
eyes have been open to
behold our dismal situation.
By the power of our enemy our eyes have been
blinded; our young men
became willing slaves to
this despotic Heroe, so that we have
displeased the
good Spirit, and we could not become
In looking back, we see nothing but desolation of
our mighty men; in
looking forward, we foresee the
desolation of our tribes. Our
Chiefs have used their
endeavours to reform their respective people,
having seen no success, they seem discouraged, and
down their heads.
Brothers—In remembrance of your kind promises,
we unite our cries to
you for help.
Perhaps, you are ready to think whatman it must
be that have abused
so much of our brethren; never
was such Heroe, or tyrant, heard that
ever meddled
with Indians. But, in reality, he is your own
ten son, and his name you call Rum, and the names
of his
officers, are Brandy, Wine, and Gin, and we