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Beyond Penn's Treaty

The Life of Thomas Eddy; Comprising an Extensive Correspondence

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tion, the establishment of a state prison presents the
best opportunity, by the magnitude and liberality of
its plan, for the formation of a well-digested scheme
of internal management and economy, and the full
execution of the only just and beneficent system yet
devised for the punishment and correction of crimi-
nals. The New York

state prison will furnish a
model for others, which the increase of population
and growth of luxury may render necessary in the
distant parts of this extensive country.*
* Similar prisons are now established in New Jersey, Virginia, Massa-
, Carolina, New Hampshire, Vermont, District of Columbia, &c.
EDITOR. And, what-
ever may be the future condition of mankind, this
institution will reflect lasting honour on the state;
become a durable monument of the wisdom, justice,
and humanity of its legislators, more glorious than
the most splendid achievements of conquerors or
kings; and be remembered when the magnificent
structures of folly and pride, with their founders, are
alike exterminated and forgotten.

This extract concentrates much that has been said
by seer or sage on this subject since that date. He
goes on to demonstrate what can be done by care
and sagacity in the great work of reform and econo-
my, and shows that the labours of the convicts almost
supported themselves, and that the State was only
charged five thousand dollars, and the salaries of the
officers and keepers of the prison.

Dissensions soon arose, not among the superin-
tendents of the prison, but amongst the rulers of the
state. The council of appointment changed the
whole board, and brought into office those who were
wholly ignorant of the least of their duties. The
funds they were entrusted with were badly spent,
and all the land-marks of economy and system swept
away. There were two years of returning reason,
in Mr. Eddy

's opinion, when Mr. William Torry
acted as agent. This good man attempted to bring
back the laws and customs of the establishment to