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Beyond Penn's Treaty

The Life of Thomas Eddy; Comprising an Extensive Correspondence

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Retreat, written by Samuel Tuke

, and he always appeared to be
anxious to enlist my humble voice and influence in favour of his
plans of public benevolence. Provisions for such an establish-
ment was made by law in 1816, and it was opened in 1820, under
very favourable auspices.

In 1819, he read before the governors of the hospital, a Memoir
of John Murray, Jr.

, of this city, and brother to Lindley Mur-
This he presented to me, with the grateful remark that it
came from my affectionate friend. He delineates a character
of the most distinguished benevolence, and of remarkable purity.
He and Eddy were scholars in the same grammar school at
Philadelphia, in or about the year 1770, and their subsequent
lives were devoted to charitable objects, with a steadiness of pur-
pose, and an ardour of zeal, that were peculiar, and at the same
time tempered with reason and discretion. It would appear to
me to be very difficult in the annals of mere mortals, to find a
higher and brighter example of active and unobtrusive charity,
goodness, and piety, than the one afforded by the life of Murray,
as sketched by the faithful pencil of his fellow labourer in the
cause of humanity.

Mr. Eddy

was an official agent in many other public institu-
tions of a charitable kind, and he was engaged for a length of
years in some that were more comprehensive in their operation,
and related to the great commercial and political interests of the
state. He took an early and active part in the cause of internal
navigation and improvement. His good sense, striking probity,
and public spirit, were known and highly appreciated by Gene-
ral Schuyler
, Governor Jay, and other eminent statesmen of
their time; and he became a cherished advocate and assistant in
all schemes of a liberal kind, and connected with the public wel-
fare. He was early made a director in the Western Inland Lock
Navigation Company, which was established in the year 1792,
and he continued a Director and Treasurer of that Company,
down to its final termination in 1820. He explored the western
country with a view to the introduction of inland navigation in
1796, and his distinguished merits as one of the original authors
and promotors of the western canal navigation have been clearly
stated and illustrated in your interesting "Memoir of Dewitt Clin-
," and I forbear to dwell on the subject. It is well known
that he executed the laborious and very responsible duties of one