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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Travels in Some Parts of North America

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half, we came up with her, and passing close by,
we found her to be the British Packet from
Halifax. In passing, we observed the men were
all at their guns, with lighted matches, supposing
our ship was an enemy in pursuit of them. We
soon lot sight of them, our vessel being much
the better sailor.

On the 16th day we sailed near 220 miles, and
on the 17th day about 140 miles; on the 18th
about 220 miles; on the 19th about 120 miles;
and on the 20th day about 240 miles. Sailing in
this rapid manner, the motion of the ship through
the waves caused a foam as white as milk; a long
train of which might be seen to a great distance
behind the vessel; and the hissing noise the ship
produced, excited the idea of a huge mass of red
hot iron, passing through the water. On the 21st
day of our voyage, we sailed about 120 miles; on
the 22d day about 120, and on the 23d about 250;
and this day we made soundings off Cape Clear.
Thus, from the 14th to the 23d, being the space
of 9 days, we sailed from soundings to soundings
on the two sides of the Atlantic Ocean; a very
short space of time, to traverse so vast a sea.
On the 24th day we entered the Channel, and
early in the morning passed in sight of Waterford
Light-house. In the course of the day we also
passed the Tusco Rocks, having sailed nearly 120