Thro' all thy conflicts, may the hand of power,
Lead thee in safety
on the devious way;
And match around thee, thro' each varying
Thy guard and guide unto the latest day.
Those tender plants the pledges of our love,
True to themselves, as
to known duty true,
By thy example led, oh! may they prove,
The joys of virtue; and her paths pursue.
As oft, at early dawn, or evening's close,
These widely, waving
woods, I pensive trace,
This tender wish within my bosom
In love unbounded still by time or space.
Not this Atlantic's vast extended flood,
Encircling many an Isle in
his embrace;
Nor these wide forests that have ages stood,
shade and shelter to an Indian race;
Not all the deeps where oceans waves combine,
With ev'ry forests
broad extended space,
More widely spread than does that love
Which, as it flows, embraces every race.
With its mild influence cloth'd, the mind can view,
All human kind
with one benignant eye;
Whate'er their nation, or whate'er their
For suffering man the heart can heave a sigh.
Behold yon slave with wretchedness cast down,
Torn from his wife
and children's weeping eye,
He toils unpitied in a land
And eats his bitter bread with many a sigh.
Free and untainted, from its source sublime,
Tho' the pure current
of the gospel flows;
Yet what avails it to this favour'd
If man, obdurate still, no pity knows!