is perhaps as beautiful
as any; but being from a
situation which is level with the river above
Falls, a considerable part of the cataract is hid from
the eye.
After taking a circuit of about a mile,
the path leads down a steep
precipice, which is
descended with considerable difficulty, and not
without the aid of a long ladder, placed there by
a neighbouring planter,
as when for his own con-
veniency, as for that of strangers.
below the cataract, the river is confined between
steep rocks that form a deep winding valley,
through which the waters flow
in their course to-
wards Lake Ontario. This valley is terminated
by a
perpendicular rock of 53 yards in height,
which runs across, forming angle
pointing up
the river, over which this vast body of water
cipitates itself with astonishing rapidity, and with
a noise so
tremendous that it can scarcely be de-
scribed. On the top of the rock is a
small island,
which divides the cataract into tracts, and in
such a
manner that the greater part of the water
pours over the rocks at the
extreme head of the
valley; and the rest on one side of it. A little
above, opposite Chippaway
over; but directly above the Falls it narrows to
about a mile in breadth. I was informed by
Joseph Ellicot
lodged, that they had twice measured the falls, and
found them to be 158 feet in height, and about
1800 yards in width from the opposite edges of