if his other daughter marries a prudent respectable
man, he will give her two bushels of dollars
for her portion.
The Genessee turnpike road passes through a
large tract of land belonging to
this Indian; and
has so much raised the value of it, that he has
some small lots near the road, as high as 6l.
sterling per acre, which is a
great price in such a
remote situation.
As I sat in John Denny
Person Information
an intelligent person of the family, that build-
ing so good a house, and making such improve-
ments had nearly cost him his life, by raising the
envy and indignation of the neighbouring chiefs.
Under the influence of these unworthy passions,
they had called him before one of their council
fires, and informed him that they had taken his
proceedings into consideration, and were deter-
mined that he should have the improvements he
had made, and remove into some other part of the
country; that they had observed he was become
proud, like the white people; that the house he
had built was very unbecoming an Indian; and
that he must quit it without further delay. In
reply, he told them that he was ready to comply
with the orders of the chief of his nation, provided
they would make him satisfaction for the great
expense he had been at; but not otherwise. The