A worthy friend, of this city, mentioned to me
a remarkable preservation
experienced there during
the war. While the town was in the hands of the
American Government
Organization Information
for some reason, given orders to burn it; and a ship
of war, containing every requisite for its destruction,
was ordered up the Potowmack. This inhabitants,
as well may be conceived, were in the utmost con-
sternation; but, at the moment when they were in
the greatest confusion and distress; whilst the ship
was steadily making her way within sight of the
town, and all was given up for lost, there being
no prospect of help, at this critical moment, the
ship struck upon a sandbank, where she remained
immoveable. The town was thus providentially
saved from destruction, by that All-powerful arm,
which so often interposes in the affairs of men;
sometimes bringing down those who by a series
of success seem to think themselves out of
the reach of accident; and sometimes raising up
others who by a long train of adversity had
thought themselves below hope.
9th Month, 18th.
. Soon
after I fell asleep, I was suddenly
waked by the noise of a number of horns. It ap-
peared to me that the instruments used were cow-
horns; and they made a prodigious bellowing in
the dead of the night. On inquiring I found that
it was the constant practice of the watchmen of
Place Information
I lodged last night at Alexan-
Place Information
waked by the noise of a number of horns. It ap-
peared to me that the instruments used were cow-
horns; and they made a prodigious bellowing in
the dead of the night. On inquiring I found that
it was the constant practice of the watchmen of