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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Travels in Some Parts of North America

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The narrative and observations now pre-
sented to the public, were the fruits of a voyage
undertaken solely with commercial views. They
were written without any expectation of their be-
ing copied, and without the remotest thought of
publication. But falling accidentally under the
notice of the Editor, he was pleased with perusing
them, and believed that, if printed, they would
also be agreeable to many others. He accordingly
communicated this idea to the writer, who, after
considering the subject, with a proper degree of
modesty, consented to the proposal.

If the reader should derive amusement or
instruction from this work, he will naturally wish
to know something respecting the author. He is
the second son of the late Doctor Abraham Sutcliff,
who practised, with much skill and reputation, as
a physician, in Sheffield, and who died there about
twelve years since. At Sheffield, the author, who