a good warm house to shelter us from
northern blasts.
A number of Indian girls has this
winter given us their company -
of whom has made an incouraging prog-
ress - a short piece is
now in the loom
principally the industry of two girls.
- another
piece is on the way - and a con-
siderable quantity of very good
has been manufacter'd and distributed
among them generally.
- Those two
girls are desirous of having wheels of
their own, and
spin at home - and
their request we mean to grant.
Altho’ the disposition among the
men to relieve their women in the
labour of the field, has greatly en-
creas'd; yet when the time for
ing corn comes, the females have to
give their assistance
more or less, thro’
the summer. still there are intervals
if they
were so disposed, that might