access to those hidden treasures in
for the faithful.” is a sentiment
express'd in closing a
subject in thy last-
and feeling the energy and sincerity
in which
it was penn'd-that my spi-
rit said amen -- Well knowing if faith-
fulness is adhered to what this desire
will produce-- Thou hast pass'd
some close proving seasons all intended
for the trial of thy
faith and to
fit thee for further usefulness in thy
day-- then let
not the cross stand in
the way but give up and the enjoy-
ment of
sweet peace will be thy reward.
I speak from a small degree of
rience, for after I was given up to this
service some little
prospects opened upon
my mind accompaned with the belief
that it
was my duty to perform previous
to leaving my native home-- but
they were like mountains to the natural
will. In thankfulness
I may acknow-