when we left Wiliam Ellises
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-sently assended the Munsy Mountain
it was a Cold Northeast rain, but not
in the least Froze on the Trees until
we began to asscend this eminence
where the trees became more or less
Cloathed with Ice, and when we got
to its highest eminence sumit the young
Pines were as loaded that many
of their Tops were bent to the gro
ground, and when we desended into
the Valley the Ice on the Limbs was
not to be seen, but when we got
on the Top of this Mountain, which
was two days after, and both clear,
yet the twigs of the Trees were still
much covered with sleet, and the
snow much more deeper than in the Vales
we got to Michal Masyers
Person Information
-ing 34 miles, he keeps pretty good accom-
-modations, and the Cheapest by near one
half of any that we met with,