of straw, except Boards instead of socking
Bottom, except when
we lay in the Woods on
Bark, they mostly appeared dirty, uniformly
without any sheet over us, but in lieu thereof
a Rough Course Blanket,
our meal has been
steadily fryed Veneson sometimes pretty good,
Bread for 100 miles, with some small
exceptions, has been
indifferent Buckwhea[t]
cakes, our drink almost ever since we
home has been water, Bohea Tea is
much used in Canada
very strong, with or without Sugar, as their
store holds out, they have a great Plenty of
Sugar Maple, of which some of the Inhabi-
-tants make a sufficiency for themselves
but we found a number of them out, not
withstanding this was their situation, they
could lay the Teatable for their friends, &
sit down with as much composure as
if all were compleat, which I counted
a piece of Philosophy worth Labouring after
a Northeast Wind, and a
Cold Wet morning, our horses, and our
being weary and wanted some rest
and being among friends here