till Morning
5th day the 16, checkPlace
and the
Genesee is through a succession of
deep swamps, and this morning
our our first sitting of[f] we had one several of
those difficulties to encounter this be-
-ing in places between belly and
knee deep, and being Froze over
almost hard enough to bear,
it was exceeding exceed difficult and tryin[g]
to the Horses, fed at Wilbords 14 miles.
There to the Genesee 12 miles Lodged
at Foxes near by, here we got good
entertainment accommodations for
Man and horse which was very gr
ful after so trying a Journey. to Genesee
I discribe as of follows from Buffaloe
to tumbling Creek 4 miles mostly
heavy timbered, to Stony Creek 8 miles
Place Information
a Cloudy Frozen Morning
tho but little snow fell Last night
we found
the Frost added to the dif-
-ficulty of traveling about 25 or more miles of
the road between buffaloe
Place Information
Genesee is through a succession of
deep swamps, and this morning
our our first sitting of[f] we had one several of
those difficulties to encounter this be-
-ing in places between belly and
knee deep, and being Froze over
almost hard enough to bear,
it was exceeding exceed difficult and tryin[g]
to the Horses, fed at Wilbords 14 miles.
There to the Genesee 12 miles Lodged
at Foxes near by, here we got good
entertainment accommodations for
Man and horse which was very gr
ful after so trying a Journey.
the Country from Buffaloe
Place Information
I discribe as of follows from Buffaloe
Place Information
to tumbling Creek 4 miles mostly
heavy timbered, to Stony Creek 8 miles