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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal or Visit to Upper Canada and Parts Adjacent

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continued very rough, thence up the
Schuylkill to Reading

4 miles, the town is situ
-ated on a low piece of Ground near
the sd river, surrounded with high hills
the place is by no means elegant. nei-
-ther did the town look thriving or
lively, from thence to Pennose Wiley’s
goes, over near Maiden Creek where we
lodged, over a pretty fruitful Coun-
-try and beautiful road 9 miles.

14 and 1st of the week

a Northwest Wind and plesant day,
attended Maiden creek Meeting

, who
which upon the whole was a refresh-
-ing time, Dined at John Starrs near
the Meetinghouse, having me last
Evening with Oliver Paseton, and
this Morning with James Lang
two friends of our Number
making up now five in all, after
a comfortable Opportunity at John
, we off towards Munsy
in about three Miles, upon a con-
-siderable eminence, we had a
bold and noble view of the Blue
Mountain at about 8 miles distance.