the Chiefs present that they were engaged
in Business of more importance at
time William Kirk was here last year
that it was the same case with
this spring -- & that he did not think us authorized
Question him upon that subject
after he had done the White Loon one
of the Chiefs residing at Dennis's
made some observations respecting our
young men residing amongst
& said he thought that by Working with
the Indians in their own
Fields they
would render them more essential
service & also
animadverted upon
the Indian Corn that was to be distri-
-buted among
the Indians this spring
at the Station thinking it was a
extraordinary that after being a great
deal of Corn last fall
that there
should be so little this spring when
it was offered for a
division the
greater part was taken by Shaw some
less to Wells &
some given to the Indians
so that there was only about 50 Bushls--