David Grave's Mare being sick staid at
Dennis's Station intending to come
first day to the Fort in Company with
John Shaw
21st - Breakfasted this morning with Wells
walked about & Viewed the
Plantion which
is a very Good one it & the neighbour-
-hood has been
formerly the Great
Village of the Miami Indians the
Elavation of the
Corn Hills is quite
Visible also the Indian Graves they have
been buried
single in the same manner
that we bury & there is some graves
Wells's House of Indians that have
been recently buried over one of
Chiefs stands a pole with a white flag
opposite Wells plantion
over the River
St. Joseph we were shewn the Ground
where Genral Harmer
was defeated
& where many of his men fell in
Crossing the River it
was in a large
Priarie which would make a beautiful