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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Notes of a Journey taken by Elisha Tyson and James Gillingham on a Visit to some Indians in the neighbourhood of Fort Wayne

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We had conversation with Winnemak
a Chief of the Potowatomy Nation
residing on the Peconoe River he told
us that the President of the united States
had promised him that he would give
him assistance in the Cultivation
of his lands & that he had disappointed
him in not sending the assistance

We staid at Fort Wayne until First day
morning the 15th when David Grave & my-
-self set out for Dennis's Station Elisha
Tyson having been taken with the Rheu-
-matism was bled and Blistered & not
in a situation to ride on acct of the
soreness of his Blister tho' the pain
was removed we had concluded
to call the Indians together in 9
Days at Fort Wayne & had sent
an Indian to the Five Medals town
to give Information & John
Flin Interpreter for