But were informed that they propose
dividing the Meeting & Building 2
houses this summer one on each side
of the River having often met
Difficulty in crossing still water --
2nd Day morning Benjamin Iddings
proposed setting out with us
victuals provided we set out early
& Rode to Thatcher's 18
miles Crossed
Loramies Creek & a large Branch of
the great Miami
riding thro it being
about the saddle skirts. after Staying
sometime we
set out in company with
thatcher & rode to Flins swimming
our Horses
across the second Crossing
of Loramies Creek where we put up
for the
Night & slept on the Floors
The land this Day mostly good tho'
of it is too flat to settle on
before we reached thatchers we
several miles thro' the woods where the
the trees were lined
with Pigeons nests [?]
some times 20 or thirty in one tree