to be Religious worthy woman observing her to be
employ'd in Catichizing
her Children in the afternoon
she was Asked whether she was in the practice
of so doing
on first days she reply'd she was regularly & that
twice in the day which practice of inculcating the good
principals of
Religion in Children in the afternoon
on first days is a requested
having he requested that
the Chiefs of his nation might
have an opportunity of
communicating some things they had on their minds
they did in the evening, several of their Chiefs assembling,
began with a relation of the origin of their present settlement
there unhappy uneasiness in their little tribe from such as said
were disposed to live without a necessary subordination that to Rules &
was necessary to govern all Bodies of People notwithstanding their body was
small yet they had found it necessary to have Rules to govern
them then he Rehears'd part of them which appeared well calculated
to preserve harmony & Concord among them, but some of them
still remaining unwilling to sign them such they deprive
of certain privaledges untill they sign, that theywhich they
at any time may do & then have equal priviledges with the rest
of their brethren
We met them in general counsel their Missionary
John Sargeant
having had an invitation this morning by a few lines to breakfast
with him & Daughters which we kindlyaccepted, after we were
seated. Hendrick in behalf of his people opened the Counsel by
saying they were glad to see us, and were now ready to hear what
we had to say, then we proceeded to open our business and pay
and our pay after which we endeavouring to impress them
with a sense of the necessity their present state required of exerting themselves