An Account of the Seneca Indians
As the present seems to be an interesting crisis respecting the abori-
of our country, and particularly some of the southern tribes,
precarious situation has awakened the feeling, and excited the
of an enlightened public; and as memorials have been pre-
sented to
congress, with a view of protecting this much injured race of
mankind in
their rightful possessions, it may, perhaps, be a means of
increasing our
sympathies for the Indian tribes, to bring into view the
situation of those
more contiguous to our borders. For if the faith of
the United States is
once broken, to favour the claim of any individual
state, and the solemn
pledges, made by President Washington
tect the Indians in the possession of their land, are violated, to the ex-
pulsion of one nation or tribe, then the fate of the Indian is sealed. He
is no longer secure within the boundaries of this great republic. As
he becomes obnoxious to those of a fairer skin, and the little land he
posesses, like Naboth's vineyard, is convenient for his master's use, he
is then to be extirpated from the inheritance of his fathers, and dri-
ven from valley to mountain, and from mountain to hill, until his feeble
voice is scarcely heard even among the western wilds.
Although we hope better things of the legislators of our country, and
indulge a glimmering hope, that they will still continue their protection
to the aboriginal lords of the soil who kindly received and made room
our forefathers when they first landed on their shores; and minis-
tered to
their necessities, when they were strangers in a strange land;
yet, from
the measures in operation by some of the southern and west-
ern states, with
regard to the Indian tribes within their limits, we can-
not but entertain
fears for their safety. It is therefore desirable, at
least, to retain a
history of those sons of the forest, who have made
some progress in the
civilized arts, and with a view of developing their
native character, as
well as their progress in civilization, the writer of
this article designs
to offer, through the medium of the Friend, or Ad-
vocate of Truth, some
account of the Seneca Nation
perhaps, above all others, would entitle them to the strongest claims of
protection from the general government.
At a treaty held at Canandaigua
States, with the Six Nations
after describing the boundaries of the lands belonging to the Seneca