Brother you say you want an
answer to your talk before you
leave this place
- it is wright you should have one as you
a great distance from home and we dont wish
to detain
you, but we will first look back a
little and tell you what our
Fathers have told
us and what we have heard from the white
people --
Friend & Brother
It was the will of the
Great Spirit that
we should meet together
this day - he orders all things and has
given us
a fine day for our council - He has taken
his Garment
from before the Sun and caused
it to shine in
with brightness upon us - Our eyes
open that we see clearly, our ears are
unstoped that we have been
able to hear
distinctly the words you have spoken, for
these favours we tahank the Great Spirit
and him only --
This Council fire was kindled
by you it was at your
request that we
came together at this time - we have listen'd
with attention to what you have said - you
requested us to speak
our minds freely - This
gives us great joy for we now consider