waters of pine
Creek about 20 miles from our
lodgeing -- This ridge is
supposed to be the
highest Land in the state of Pensylvania, as
it divides the head waters of the
which runs to the westward
from the head
waters of the Tioga and
other waters of the
Susquehannah running eastward, and
head waters of the Genesee River which
runs north, from other waters of the
Susquehannah running Southward --
these streams haveing their sources
within a few miles of each other
The land on this Ridge is of a superior
quality Clear of Stone and
for Cultivation abounding with much
Sugar Maple and wild
Cherry --
On the East side is the head waters
of pine
Creek which runs very swiftly
the Land Stony and path very
cult getting along in places, after going
down it about 3 miles
met with seve
ral hands cutting a road thro' the
woods towards the
Allegany River
who were moveing out
with their
Families to settle on the western
waters -- in a few miles
further we