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Beyond Penn's Treaty

A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804

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tribe. An investigation was made in Washing-

by the President's orders.

William Wells

was found to be a defaulter
to a large amount, and was discharged from the
agency at Fort Wayne; he shortly after went to
live in Canada, and in 1811, joined the party of
Tecumseh and the Prophet, in their warfare
against the United States, very contrary to the
desires of the Little Turtle, who with his allies
had remained deaf to all the arguments of Te-
, loyal to the government of the United
States, and faithful in his friendship to his
friends the Quakers.

William Wells

after a short residence in
Canada, was taken prisoner by the Indians whom
he had defrauded in his agency, and was put to
death with great barbarity. The Little Turtle
had died a short time before, of an attack of the
gout in the chest.

The following matters of interest in the his-
tory of the Indians, together with the copy of
the Treaty of Greeneville

, has been kindly fur-
nished from the records of Washington, by a
gentleman of that city.

The treaty of Grenville

* *The treaty purports to have been made at
Greeneville, but the place is frequently, perhaps
most generally, written Grenville. was concluded on
the 3d day of August, 1795, at the Head Quar-