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Beyond Penn's Treaty

A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804

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the committee, but was interested in all philan-
thropic movements.

Brothers and Friends: I am desirous in the
early part of this opportunity, that you may be
informed, that the people called Quakers con-
sider all mankind as their brothers: that they
believe the Great Spirit and Father of all man-
kind created all men of one blood; and that it
is the will of Him who also created the sun,
the moon, and the stars, and causes them to give
us light,-the Great Spirit and common Father
of all mankind,-that we should not do one another
hurt, but that we should do one another all the
good we can; and it is on this ground, and this
principle, that we believe it right to take you by
the hand.

Then after a short time spent in silence, an-
other member of the Society of Friends, John

, spoke, declaring that the Quakers be-
lieved it required of them to love all men,
without reference to location or complexion;
that they were convinced it was not in their
power to perform their religious duties to the
Great Creator of all things without his assistance,
and therefore felt it their duty, when entering
upon such important business as that in which
they were about to engage, to sit down in
stillness and wait upon Him. After some-
thing more on this subject, and a reference to
the Yearly Meetings of Philadelphia and Balti-
, he proceeded to say that the Friends re-