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Beyond Penn's Treaty

A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804

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Convinced at last, that no alternative awaited
him, he consented to sign the compact, remark-
ing to the officers present, as he affixed his sig-
nature, I have been the last to consent to this
agreement; I will be the last to break it. He
remained true to his affirmation.

The following extracts are selected from a
brief account of the Indian Committee

of Balti-
more Yearly Meeting
, from its appointment in
1795 to the completion of the journey to Fort
, by G. T. Hopkins and George Ellicott,
in 1804.

The Yearly Meeting of Baltimore

, and, also,
that of Philadelphia, appear to have directed
their attention almost simultaneously to an effort
for the improvement of the Indians, and a com-
mittee was accordingly appointed in each of
these Yearly Meetings, in the autumn of 1795,
to take the subject under care.

In Baltimore Yearly Meeting

, held by ad-
journments, from the 12th day of the Tenth
month to the 16th of the same, inclusive, 1795,
Evan Thomas being clerk, and John Cox assist-
ant clerk, the exercise with regard to the In-
dians commenced by a weighty concern being
opened, concerning the difficulties and distress
to which the Indian natives of this land are sub-
ject; and many observations were made on the
kindness of their ancestors to the white people,
in the early settlement of this country, exciting
a deep consideration and enquiry, whether under