farms contain from sixty to eighty acres, laid off
parallelograms. The buildings are good, and
the gardens and orchards
handsome. We un-
derstand that about two miles higher up the river
there is another settlement composed of about
forty families, and upon
Otter Creek, about four
distant, a third settlement containing about
thirty families. These people
are Roman Ca-
tholics. We were soon informed that the dis-
tance from
here to Detroit
by land, and that the road passed through so flat
and wet a country, for the greater part of the
way, that at this season of the year, it was almost
impossible to travel it on horseback, and were
advised to wait on the wind for a passage by water.
We, therefore, concluded to take lodgings at
the house of John Bedient
entertain us, and dispatched our men to the boat,
with instructions to come up the river Raisin for
us, as soon as wind and weather permitted; being
so wearied and overcome with our "Jack-o-Lan-
tern" excursion, that we could not consent to
retrace our steps to the boat.
A strong west wind, attended with heavy
rain last night and this day, have
prevented our
men from getting to us. It is a fact well-known
that northwest and west winds are as certain
to produce cloudy weather as
easterly winds with
us. This is doubtless owing to the humidity of
vast western lakes. The same winds are
severely cold in winter, no doubt
from the im-