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Beyond Penn's Treaty

A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804

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the circumstance of the roof, as it is called, being
covered with cedar.

Fish are now passing up the Rapids in great
numbers from the lakes, in so much that the water
smells strongly of them. They are taken very
abundantly by the Canadians and Indians. The
fisherman without seeing them strikes his barbed
spear to the rocks, which often passes through
several at a time, and frequently of different
kinds. The muscanonje are taken here in great
numbers; they are a fish from three to five feet in


This morning we proceeded with diffi-
culty ten miles; owing to high winds, and a rain
coming on, prudence seemed to dictate that we
should put into a harbor, which we did at the
mouth of Swan creek, where is a small fort and
garrison lately established by the United States.
Introductory letters were given us at Fort

, to Lieutenant Rhea, the Commandant,
which we delivered. He treated us with respect,
and with him we spent the remainder of the day
and lodged. On our way we stopped to view an
old fort, called Fort Miami, which was garrisoned
by the British at the time Wayne defeated the

Many Indian villages and wigwams are seated
on both shores of the river, and many Canadian
traders are to be found residing amongst them.
They have generally intermarried with the In-
dians, and adopted their manners. Some of the