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Beyond Penn's Treaty

A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804

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This day rode twenty-three miles, and
lodged at Sewell's Cabin

,-a day of snow and
rain. We crossed the ridge which divides the
waters of the Scioto from those of the Little
Miami river. Passed several of the head
branches of the latter, as also a considerable
creek called the East Fork of the Little Miami.
On one of the bottoms of the creek we noticed a
fortification. The bank cast up around was about
four feet high. We also observed within a few
rods several mounds. It is truly a beautiful
country through which we have passed to-day;
the land is level, covered with lofty timber, and
the soil very rich, scarcely a settlement yet


Continued our journey, and after riding
fourteen miles, reached the house of Samuel

, at Wainsville, upon the Little Miami
river, where we were kindly received. At this
place we rested ourselves and horses, acquired
information respecting our future route, and
equipped ourselves for the increasing difficulties
of the wilderness.

The settlement made here is composed cheifly
of Friends; about thirty families reside in this
neighborhood. A Monthly Meeting is held
here called Miami Monthly Meeting

, to which
about thirty families more belong who are scat-
tered over an extensive tract of country.

Our attention was attracted to-day by the ap-
pearance of the stone, not only in the beds of