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Beyond Penn's Treaty

A brief Account of the Proceedings of the Committee Appointed by the Yearly Meeting of Friends held in Baltimore

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Having been encouraged by the opportu-
nity which we then had, we sent to the care of
the agent for Indian affairs, some ploughs, har-
ness for horses, axes, hoes, and other imple-
ments of husbandry, which were made for the
use of our Red Brethren; and desired that they
might be distributed amongst them, as tokens
of our friendship.

We received last fall, through the hands
of the agent for Indian affairs, a talk from the
Little Turtle

, the Five Medals, and others, in-
forming us that they had received the imple-
ments of husbandry; and requesting that their
brothers of Baltimore would send some of their
people into the country of their Red Brethren;
for the purpose of seeing their situation, and
shewing them how to make use of the tools:
saying, they did not know how to begin.

It is for these purposes, that we have now
come; and we again repeat, that we rejoice we
have this opportunity of seeing you, and of
taking you by the hand.