Since putting to press a London Edition of
"A brief Account of the
Proceedings of the
"Committee appointed in the Year 1795, by
"the Yearly Meeting of Friends of Pennsyl-
New Jersey, &c. for promoting the
"Improvement and gradual Civilization
of the
"Indian Natives," an account of the proceed-
ings of a committee,
appointed by another
Yearly Meeting in North America, has been
In presenting it to the English reader,
a few remarks may be useful.
The Yearly Meeting held at Baltimore
Place Information
Organization Information
Place Information
Place Information
Organization Information
part of the body of Friends in the western part
of Pennsylvania
Place Information
the two Yearly Meetings are equally distinct.
The Indian nations to which the Maryland com-
mittee has directed its attention, lie in general
farther west, than those under the notice of the
Pennsylvanians. They are situated in that vast
district which is comprehended between the
rivers Ohio and Mississippi, and bounded to
the north by the lakes Superior, Huron, and
Erie. Lake Michigan penetrates this district,
and may be said to be wholly within it. It has