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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal of Joel Swayne

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erected on a pedestal about six feet high
and having a white Dog skined and dres-
ed they lay him on a hot fire which is
previously prepared for the purpose, and
while he is consuming one of the Chiefs
on behalf of the people addresses the Great
Spirit in thanksgivings for the game
they have been permited to take in their
hunting hours, after this is done another
Chief takes about half a pound of Tobacco
lays it on the fire and addresses the people
by way of admonition and exhortatin
During the rendevous they are dressed in their
best apparrel and many of them have their
faces painted in many frightful wild looking
figures and their heads decorated with feathers
painted different colours and beaded belts &
Mockasons which altogether forms a very wild ro-
mantic appearances to one not acquain-
ted with Indians. They continue their
dancing and different manuevers about
six or seven Days with an abundance of rattling
and tinkling ornaments about their feet
and legs and their clothes decorated with
hundreds of silver broaches, breasplates &c.