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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Account of a visit paid to the Indians in New York State

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would be very useful; we had
no prospect of going so far, & the
time for our returning to Buffaloe
being fix’d, we felt cautious in any
hasty result, but let the friends
know, we would consider the re-
quest & go in the morning with
them to John Hill’s, which was six
miles on the way, & where we had
intended to have gone. 24 miles


Set off early to John Hill’s where
we look breakfast, & on weighing
their request, felt an engagement
to go with them, & it was agreed
to meet all such as could be noti-
fied, who were concern’d in build-
ing on the spot, this afternoon
at 2 Oclock. And Joshua Gil-
the friend who came down,
& another friend went on to give