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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Account of a visit paid to the Indians in New York State

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disposition to comply with its contents. He
kindly invited us to come and take breakfast
with him to-morrow morning. 35 miles.


This morning we breakfasted with the
Captain agreeably to his request and
got of him four bushels of corn, half a b of
flour and two quarts of salt. The corn
to feed our horses with through the wilder-
ness, and the flour & c. to take to the In-
dian Village. After getting our dinner
a the tavern where we put up last e-
vening we took our departure being will-
ing to leave this dear place having had
to pay 3/a meal for victuals 4/a night
for each of our horses at very coarse hay 15/a
bushel for corn, and yesterday we had to
pay as high as 15/a bushel for oats.
We crossed French Creek close by the
town. I thought it was as large as
three of Brandywine in two or more mi