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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Henry Simmons letterbooks, Vol. 1 1797

Page out of 99

or Inhabitants of the said Town, to enjoy equal priveliges
with the other Indians of the said Town, the votes repe-
cting the admission of such Person or Persons to be fir-
st entered in the Clerk Book. 9th And be it further Enacted by the Same
That it Shall and may be Lawful for any Inhabitants
having Land allotted to him or her as aforesaid, to Sell
the improvement thereof to any other Indian or
Indians and his or her assigns, being Indians of the
said Town, which sales shall be entered in Clerk Book
of the Said Town. Xth Be it further enacted & c.
That the said Peacemakers shall Lay out said
rode or high ways in the said Town as a Majority of
the Inhabitants at any of there Public Meetings shall
Direct, and to order such of the Inhabitants of the
said Town, and so many of them from time to time
to work on the roads or highways, and for so many
Days as shall be directed by the majority as aforesaid
at a public Meeting. XIth And be it further enacted & c.
That any two of the said Peacemakers shall be a