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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Account of I. Coates, J. Sharpless, & J. Pierce, visits to Indian Reservation, NY

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we met with that ran into the Delaware,
having gone round the head branches of
said river as well as those of the Susque
hanna. This hard days work only brought
our travellers 27 miles nearer their homes.

6th 6th day.

Breakfasted at our lodgings, and
proceeded to Henry Clifton

's where we lodged.
This days stage, 34 miles. We are now at Kingwood.

7th 7th day.

We travelled on, and on, past Bucking
ham meeting house

to our kind Friends
Jacob Perry's 30 miles, where we got our dinners
and rested a while. Thence to Ezra Comfort's
near Plymouth meeting house. 12 miles.
where we lodged, and were kindly entertained.

8th First day.

Breakfasted at our lodging
and proceed on to Willistown meeting house

15 miles, to Amos Garretts, before meeting.
[Amos was a brother in law of Joshua Sharpless.]
he says, Here I heard from my dear wife and
family, being the first accound I had from
them since I left home: and I felt truly
thankful I was so near my own habitation,
and among my near relatives and inti-
mate friends, We returned here from meet-
ing and got our dinners, then set off home-