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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal or Visit to Upper Canada and Parts Adjacent

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another much larger 6 or 7 miles ahead
we therefore, upon holding a Council, agreed as
the most safe expedient to return to our
Quarters, and wait until tomorrow
Our Landlords house stands on a pleasant
elevated spot having a rich, furtile Meadow
in front, enlivened by the Buffaloe to its Con-
-fluence with Lake Erie, the stream is perhaps
as Large>r than of Brandywine, and the Lake its
self opens in full view as far as the Eye can reach, when
the Wind is high in the West, it so raises
the Water in this end of the Lake, that it
flows up the Buffaloe like a flood tide
our accomodation here has been pretty
good, except our Lodging, which was a
narrow frame scarely room for two to
lay on their Back, with Boards instead of
Sackingbottom with and a very thin Strawbed
yet Oliver Paxton

and myself has Occupy-
-ed it three nights pretty comfortably and
expect to try it the fourth, it is in an
upper Chambers next the Roof