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Beyond Penn's Treaty

A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804

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the influence of that exalted benevolence and
good will to men, (which our holy profession re-
quires,) anything remains for us to do to pro-
mote their welfare, their religious instruction,
knowledge of agriculture, and the useful me-
chanic arts. A solemnity and uniting calm
prevailing over the meeting, the further consid-
eration of the subject was referred to another
meeting, when the condition of the distressed
Indian natives being again revived, the senti-
ments of many brethren expressed, and a pre-
vailing sympathy felt, it appears to be the united
sense of this meeting, that it be recommended
to our Quarterly and Monthly Meetings to take
this concern into serious consideration, and open
subscriptions among our members for their relief
and the encouragement of school education, hus-
bandry, and the mechanic arts, amongst that
people. As it appears their situation demands
immediate attention, we hope a spirit of liber-
ality will be manifested;* * This call of Baltimore Yearly Meeting

its members was promptly met. But the sums of
money, thus collected, do not appear to have been
often used to defray the travelling expenses of the
Friends appointed by the Indian Committee to visit
the tribes North-west of the river Ohio. Those who
accepted such commissions prepared their own out-
fit and defrayed their own charges, except in one,
two, or at the most, three instances, where such an
expenditure would have been oppresive to the indi-
viduals concerned, on which occasions the necessary
funds were supplied by the committee. and those who find